The Atikokan Mining Attraction will NOT host the First Annual
"Christmas Decoration, Stay-At-Home, Non-Event"

NOT scheduled to perform:

  • John Denver
  • Judy Garland
  • Charlie Chaplin

  • The Beatles
  • A performer of your choice

  •   You will be entitled to stay home, relax and NOT have to attend yet another social commitment. Just think of the savings!!! babysitter, no new dress, or shoes or rented tuxedo

      ...just your tush in a chair in front of the TV, with your feet up.

    Take Time for yourself (on us) during the hectic Holiday Season

    Watch Channel 11's broadcast of Atikokan's Christmas decorations your leisure    ... in your own home
    ... on any day you choose    ... with our hot chocolate

    Print out the following reply card:

      $10.00 I will NOT attend
      $25.00 Neither I nor my companion will attend
      $50.00 NO member of my family will attend
      $100.00 I will keep my neighbours away
      $250.00 I will keep everyone in town away or will email everyone I know NOT to attend
    Return the form to the Mining Attraction (Box 1298, Atikokan, ON P0T 1C0). We will send you a Certificate for the one night NON-Event, one bag of delicious hot chocolate, and our Good Wishes for a safe and happy Holiday Season. Our thanks for your support and joining in the fun to help the AMAA preserve and present Atikokan's mining history.

    No need to dress up, attend a banquet or listen to speeches.
    Just put on your most comfortable clothes, and take time out to enjoy the Christmas season.
    Think of all the money both you and the Mining Attraction will save!!

    Here is an estimate of how much it would cost the Mining Attraction to sponsor a Super Fabulous, Gala Fundraising Event
    Hall Rental $300.00
    Food and Refreshements $4,000.00
    (and that's cheap for the performers we have NOT scheduled!)
    Printing $500.00
    Decorating $500.00
    Advertising $2,000.00

    The traditional fund raiser would cost you a lot of money too! Here is an estimate of how much it would cost you, plus a guest, to attend a Super, Fabulous, Gala Fundraiser.
    Tickets (two @ $50.00 $100.00
    Dinner for the kids $25.00
    Babysitter, includes pizza $40.00td>
    Gas or Taxi $10.00
    Refreshments and Coat Check $75.00
    Preparations for Gala:
      Hair and Manicure (Ladies)
      Formal Wear $300.00
      Drycleaning after $40.00

    Our thanks for your support and joining in the fun to help the AMAA preserve and present Atikokan's mining history.

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